How to Manifest a Text from Someone Who Ghosted You

How to Manifest a Text from Someone Who Ghosted You?

Being ghosted by someone can be a frustrating and disheartening experience. It can leave you wondering what went wrong and longing for closure. While we cannot control the actions or choices of others, some people believe in the power of manifestation to attract positive outcomes into their lives.

Embark on your manifestation journey with a sequence of empowering steps: 

get specific about what you want, write down your choice, try the 369, pillow,  whispers method, send yourself a text, visualize yourself receiving a text, infuse your desires with intention, dismiss limiting beliefs, create good vibes with positive affirmations to fuel your aspirations, put your phone down and immerse yourself in life’s wonders, as you reassess your manifestation practice to refine your path towards manifestation mastery. Strive to remember It is entirely dependent upon your subconscious.

Here,  you will explore how you can use manifestation techniques to potentially receive a text from someone who ghosted you.

How to get a text message from a ghosted person?

How to get a text message from a ghosted person

Get Specific About What You Want: Manifestation is more effective when your desire is crystal clear. Identify who you want the text from, why you need it, and the message you hope to receive. The universe responds faster when your want or goal is specific.

Write Down Your Exact Want: Handwriting your intention is a powerful way to manifest your desire. Physically jot down the message you wish to receive, who it’s from, and the reason and timing behind it. Don’t worry about it being cheesy; it’s for your eyes only.

Try the 369 Method: Keep your intention in focus all day. Write it out three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times before bed. This helps align your mind with your desire, even amidst distractions.

Send Yourself a Text: Replicate the feeling of receiving a real text. Save your own number under the desired person’s name, type out the message, and send it to yourself. Embrace the joy of seeing their name on your screen.

Visualize Yourself Receiving a Text: Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and meditate on the text. Envision the sender, your phone lighting up, and the notification. Use the Law of Attraction to visualize your goal clearly.

Use the Whisper Method: Extend your visualization with the whisper method. Imagine approaching the person you want a text from, whispering “You’re going to text me” into their ear, and watching them type the message.

Use the Pillow Method: A method for nighttime manifestation. Read your intention, meditate on it, and place it under your pillow while you sleep. Your subconscious mind continues to work on your goal during sleep.

Dismiss Your Limiting Beliefs: Overcome doubts or fears that hinder your success. Recognize any insecurities and remind yourself they don’t define your worth. Your past experiences don’t determine your present potential.

Create Good Vibes with Positive Affirmations: Counter limiting beliefs with positive affirmations. Speak affirmations out loud in the present tense to signal to the universe that you’re ready to receive what you want.

Put Your Phone Down: Avoid excessive phone-checking, as it counters your positive efforts. After visualization or affirmations, put your phone aside and engage in enjoyable activities.

Reassess Your Manifestation Practice: Lastly, If weeks pass without results, revisit your original intention. Assess if you were specific enough, made your affirmations, and addressed self-doubt. Edit or update your written intention and continue your efforts.

How long does it take to manifest a text?

The effectiveness of these methods can yield results within a short span of a few minutes, extend to several days, or even materialize over the course of a week or two. This timeframe hinges upon a multitude of factors, with a significant starting point being your underlying limiting beliefs.

In instances where apprehension or distress over the absence of a text prevails, or a genuine disbelief in the attainability of the outcome exists, the path to your desired result might encounter hindrances. Hence, these concerns have the potential to obstruct the fulfillment of your request.

Should you decide to engage with one or more of these techniques, allowing a time frame of approximately two to three weeks can be beneficial before determining the success of your manifestation endeavors. If, however, your desire remains unmet after this duration, it might be prudent to explore the possibility of underlying self-confidence issues that could be acting as impediments.

Can it be a bad idea to manifest a text?

No, But there are two distinct scenarios in which manifesting a text can be ill-advised.

Firstly, if an individual has explicitly communicated their desire to sever ties with you, it is essential to respect their wishes and refrain from attempting to manifest a text against their express choice. 

Engaging in such an endeavor stems from a place of low energy and vibrations, potentially yielding unfavorable outcomes. It’s vital to recognize and honor the principle of free will. When someone unequivocally communicates a “no,” it’s crucial to refrain from further pursuit.

Furthermore, the second circumstance wherein manifesting a text can be deemed unfavorable is when the desired text is not aligned with your true intentions. It’s imperative to envision the entire trajectory of your desires. Are you merely seeking a text, or is your ultimate aspiration to establish a deeper connection, perhaps evolving into a committed relationship, cohabitation, marriage, or even starting a family?

You could be wasting time and energy if you started the manifesting process only for a text. If your aspirations extend beyond a text message, it’s advisable to channel your efforts into manifesting techniques that are conducive to achieving more enduring and long-term goals and dreams

What if someone is manifesting you to text them?

What if someone is manifesting you to text them

Therefore, here are several indicators that can help you discern if someone is manifesting your outreach:

Increased Thoughts: If a person who typically doesn’t occupy your thoughts suddenly occupies your mind more frequently, they might be using manifestation techniques to encourage you to text them.

Dream Appearances: An additional sign of potential manifestation is when this individual starts appearing in your dreams, particularly if you’re not accustomed to having vivid or memorable dreams.

Scent Associations: Notably, if you catch a whiff of their distinct scent when they are nowhere in proximity, it might be indicative of their manifestation efforts. For instance, if you detect the cologne your ex used to wear while engaging in routine activities, they might be employing techniques to connect with you.

What happens if someone is manifesting you to text them?

It’s crucial to bear in mind that you possess the innate right to exercise your free will, just like every individual does. Even if someone is attempting to manifest you to initiate contact, the decision to respond or not remains entirely within your control.

Moreover, Resisting this manifestation won’t feel like an overwhelming compulsion that you cannot resist. Rather, it may manifest as a strong suggestion or a gentle easing of your sentiments toward them. This influence could potentially yield positive outcomes. The concept of “what goes around comes around” is pivotal within the realm of the law of attraction. 

As such, employing negative methods to coerce a desired response from others is generally discouraged. Empathy and reciprocity should guide your actions, considering how you’d feel if the roles were reversed.

These techniques are designed to effectively prompt someone to text you without infringing upon their free will. By adhering to these methods, any resulting text message can be attributed to their genuine desire to connect, rather than any form of coercion.

Does manifesting a text actually work?

Yes, manifesting a text can indeed work, but its success is influenced by various factors, including your beliefs, intentions, energy, and the alignment of your desires with the universe. Also, you have to keep in mind that it’s all about the subconscious mind 

What if manifesting a text doesn’t work?

To start with, patience and timing play a significant role. Manifestation isn’t always an instantaneous process. The universe operates on its own timetable, and the alignment of your desire with reality might take time.

Additionally, belief and energy are crucial components. Doubts, impatience, or a lack of belief in the manifestation process can hinder its effectiveness. Cultivating and maintaining a positive and confident mindset is essential.

Also, considering the concept of attachment and detachment, it’s intriguing that being excessively fixated on the outcome can create resistance. Contrarily, letting go and detaching from the specific outcome can often facilitate a more effortless manifestation.

Moreover, the alignment with your higher self should not be underestimated. Ensuring that your desire resonates with your true essence and personal growth significantly increases the chances of successful manifestation.

Exploring alternative paths is also valuable. Sometimes, the universe might have a different, even better, plan to fulfill your desires. Remaining open to various possibilities can lead to unexpected and fulfilling outcomes.

It’s worth noting that employing negative methods or attempting to manifest against someone’s free will may not yield the desired results. The law of attraction tends to be most effective when focused on positive intentions and genuine alignment.

Engaging in self-reflection is pivotal. Taking a moment to ponder your intentions and desires is crucial. Are they genuinely aligned with your highest good? Are you manifesting something that resonates authentically with your heart?

Furthermore, shifting your focus can be a strategic approach. Manifesting a specific text might not always be the most suitable path. Considering directing your attention toward personal growth, cultivating self-love, and attracting positive connections can yield gratifying results.


Which is the most powerful manifestation technique?

  • Technique for 369 manifestations; 5×55 approach; 2-cup approach;…
  • Box of worries.
  • Method of manifestation for sleep.
  • Concentrate wheel.
  • Fantasy boarding.
  • utilizing a pillow.

What is the 555 manifestation method?

A law of attraction method called “55 by 5” calls for you to write 55 manifestation affirmations every day for five days. Your subconscious becomes realigned as a result of this procedure, believing that your greatest goals have already come true.

What is dry texting?

When you text someone and they respond with brief, uninteresting messages, it’s known as “dry texting.” Additionally, according to relationship coach and Text Weapon founder Claudia Cox, it can be quite monotonous and repetitious.

What’s the whisper method?

A manifestation technique called the whisper method is used to influence someone to do what you want them to. You imagine yourself speaking in someone’s ear what you want them to do, then you wait for the real world to catch up with your imagined vision.

What is the 7 in manifestation?

Dreams and synchronistic events are just two ways that the number 7 might appear. It’s also often regarded as a very effective manifestation tool. Thus, if you find yourself seeing the number 7 a lot, interpret it as a hint from the universe to trust your gut and go on a self-discovery trip.

What are the 8 rules of manifestation?

The Law of Attraction is based on eight principles, which are: envision, believe, feel, want, get, act, and enjoy. Never have I felt more content and carefree, but my path has been paved with too many failed relationships and careers, sexual abuse, addiction, divorce, and dysfunctional families.


To sum it all up, manifesting a text from someone who ghosted you is like planting a seed of intention and watching it grow into a possibility. It’s not a quick-fix solution, but rather a journey that involves reshaping your thoughts and energies. Think of it as sending out a friendly cosmic invitation and seeing if the universe responds.

Remember, this isn’t about controlling or manipulating anyone. It’s about fostering a space for communication and connection. Along the way, you might surprise yourself with newfound confidence and self-awareness.

While waiting for that text, focus on your own growth and well-being. The outcome might be a heartfelt message, closure, or even a transformation within yourself. Stay open to the journey and be kind to yourself. After all, it’s not just about the destination—it’s about the story you’re crafting for yourself.

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